The Hiatus (and a note on grief)

Some of you might have noticed that I’ve been AWOL for a little while on Pear and Ivy, and some of you might have already migrated to another (inferior but consistent) blog. While most of my absence can be attributed to laziness, I should also mention that there’s been a lot on my plate lately.

  • I’ve just started my last semester of uni.
  • I’ve been working on other projects (personal essays, short stories and a debut novel).
  • My cat recently passed away and it was like the universe punched me in the guts.

While studying doesn’t really take up most of my time, dealing with other writing projects and grief really has.

Most lifestyle bloggers/vloggers are quick to talk about things such as the best places to get a cocktail or how to KonMari your summer wardrobe, but next to none will talk about the lifestyle choices that really aren’t a choice: death and dealing with grief. I’m not sure why they don’t, very few people can avoid death, so it doesn’t make sense not to write articles like ‘How to Comfort A Grieving Friend’ in a matter that doesn’t have the charisma of a WikiHow article. Grief, as a personal thing, is tricky. It’s something we can experience multiple times and still not know how to navigate. You have your days when you reckon you’re OK, and then the next day you’re probably not.

It’s also been hard writing anything because I tend to lose focus really easily. I can churn out a first chapter or a section of dialogue quite easily, but then when I come back to it later, I run away and start a new project. So far, my writing To Do List consists of:

  • Debut novel
  • Essay on grief
  • Essay on the history of funerals
  • Essay on feminism
  • Short story

No idea on when I’ll actually finish any of those projects because even the first drafts are ‘works in progress.’ It’s hard to provide evidence that I do actually write things that aren’t assignments or feature articles.

I’ll be going to Sydney for a few days tomorrow, so if you’d like any blog posts about anything related to that, just let me know. Or if you actually want any kind of grief advice, I’ll give it a go.

Much love,
Pear and Ivy xxxx

30 Before 30: the Pear and Ivy bucket list

When it comes to setting goals, I tend to focus on creating short-term, easily achievable goals. I tend to lose focus before I come close to sorting out my long-term goals.
But there are a few things that I know that I definitely want to do with my life, and rather than just dawdle through the world, I thought it’d be good to make a proper bucket list of things that I want to get done by the time I’m 30.
I’ll be turning 21 this year, so that’s nine years to complete this list. Yes, I could do these things at any point in my life, but I’d rather get things done while I’m still full of energy and impulsive ideas. Stuff will probably change as I get older and learn new things, but these are the things (at the moment) that I know I definitely want to achieve before I turn 30.

Travel anywhere and everywhere!
I’ve never been sure about the things that you’re supposed to be certain about (career, marriage, family), but the only certainty that I have is that I want to see more of the world. I’d really love to go to places like Scotland, Germany, New Zealand, Hawaii, Italy, Egypt, Ireland, Denmark and Japan, but I’d honestly be open to going anywhere!

Take the Great Ocean Road trip
Australia is chockers with beautiful places and weird animals (looking at you, cassowaries), so it makes sense to see some of these epic things. I’ve always heard that Great Ocean Road is stunning, so I’m really keen to get down to Victoria and check it out!

Donate blood
I’ve signed up to be an organ donor, but why stop there? Why not do something small that could make a big difference in someone else’s life?

Finish writing 2 novels
At this present moment, I’ve yet to finish the draft of my debut novel. But I’d like to believe that I won’t just stop at one novel, I’ll knock out at least one more before my fingers are riddled with arthritis.

Swim with sharks
Anyone who’s anyone knows that I am madly in love with sharks (especially tiger sharks). So I’d like to get in the water with them someday and have a paddle. Whether I swim with tiger sharks in the Bahamas or alongside the whale sharks near Exmouth, I’d be thrilled to do this!


Get a tattoo
Someday, I’d like to get ‘Tutankhamun’ in hieroglyphics to commemorate my beloved cat. Having considered this tattoo for quite some time, I like to think that I won’t regret it when I’m 197 and the tramp of the nursing home (unless I get it on my forehead…).

Climb up the Eiffel Tower
I’m still kicking myself for not going to the top of the Eiffel Tower when I went to Paris in 2014.

Make creme brulee (successfully)
I love cooking (and eating the final results). But the one thing that I can never cook is creme brulee. The last time I attempted to make it, the creme brulee had the taste and consistency of candle wax.

Adopt a cat
While I wish that my cat could be immortal, I know that at some stage he will go to Feline Valhalla. So someday I’d like to open my heart and home to a cat who needs it.


Go blonde
Right now, I’m the hottest new member of the Redhead Club. But having been a brunette all my life, I know that I need to take the plunge someday and go blonde!

Try calligraphy
My handwriting is feral. Even doctors look at my handwriting and wince. So all those cute videos of calligraphy have made me decide to give it a go. It’d be nice to have some form of handwriting that isn’t completely atrocious.


Learn a language.
Not fluently, but just be able to speak it and not sound like a weirdo.

Plant a tree
It’s important to make a positive difference in this world. And even if I don’t become famous or solve poverty, at least in this smallest and simplest of ways I would have made a positive contribution to the grand scheme of things.

Go to an opera
I love getting dressed up to go to plays and musicals. But I’ve never been to an opera and I feel like I’m missing out on something. I went to a ballet once and it was boring, so if you’ve been to an opera, can you tell me if it’s any good?

Go to Les Deux Moulins (the cafe in Amelie)
Another thing that I failed to do in Paris was to visit the cafe that is featured in my all-time favourite movie. This bucket list has me wondering if I actually did anything when I was in France?

Learn how to do a smoky eye (and actually do it)
Having been in a consistent Goth phase for the past 13 years, it’s confusing as to why I’ve never worn a smoky eye. So I’d like to get out of my Cleopatra eyeliner rut and try some other look that says ‘I HATE EVERYONE!’

See the Great Barrier Reef (before it dies)
I’ve never met someone who said: “I went to the Great Barrier Reef and it was a boring crock of shit.” Not only is the GBR ecologically invaluable and worth protecting, it’s also incredibly beautiful and well worth going to see.

Write more letters to people
In this world of emails and tagging friends in memes, it’s too easy to forget the joy of receiving a hand-written letter or a postcard. So I’d like to be able to pass that kind of thrill around to people.

Go on a holiday with my squad
Many bucket lists suggest that one should ‘travel alone.’ HELL NAH. As much as I love getting quality ‘me time,’ travelling is something that I need to do with at least one other person. And nothing says #ultimatesquadgoals quite like travelling with your girls.


Stay overnight somewhere haunted
None of my squad would probably do this with me (boo), but if I find someone crazy enough, then we’re finding somewhere haunted and staying there through the night. And hopefully, we won’t get murdered by a ghost.

Get a hammock/swinging chair thing
I’ve wanted one of these fuckers since I was a kid. They look like they’d make a great reading nook.

Attend Dia de Los Muertos 
Halloween is for basic bitches, Dia de Los Muertos is where it’s at. The pictures that I see of Dia de Los Muertos festivals look incredibly beautiful and exciting.

Have a dedicated book room in my house
This step requires me to actually get my shit together and move out of my Mum’s house. But the thought of a whole room full of books (and maybe that hammock chair) is super tempting. One day I’d like to actually achieve that.

Go to a wine and painting class
Lord knows what kind of shenanigans would happen when Drunk Viv meets paint, but time will only tell.

Try fencing/salsa dancing
There’s no strong motive for me to do this, other than the simple reason: “why not?”

Buy myself sunflowers
I hate getting flowers from people but for some weird reason, I like the idea of buying my own.

Meet someone famous
I’ve met/come super close to a few famous Australians in my time (Kate Miller-Heidke, Bindi Irwin, Yassmin Abdel-Magied, Kanen Breen, Pauline Hanson…), but none of them is famous with a capital F.


Get a nose piercing 
Yet another thing my family would kill me for, but IT’S MY GODDAMN NOSE, AND I WILL DO WHAT I WANT.

Buy more ethical clothing (no polyester, no supporting companies who use child labour) 
Too often, I buy clothes from companies that either exploit children or are not ecologically sustainable. So I’d like to start making more wise choices when I buy clothes and invest more in the quality of things that I do buy.

Give more support to causes that I believe in
I’d like to get involved with more protests, donate to more grassroots charities and write more letters to politicians. The world has never found any kind of change from people who sit on their arse and remain complacent.

In short, I think I just want to see more of the world, experience more things and make a difference for the environment whenever I can.

Much love,
Pear and Ivy xx

2017: the pear-y good year

Every year consists of 365 opportunities to do something awesome… or just sit down on the couch and do absolutely nothing. I tried to make it a healthy balance between both things this year, and I like to think that the results speak for themselves.

This is a little snippet of some of the more eventful things to happen to me this year. If you’ve made it this far, keep going, there’s pictures!

Roadtrip through NSW (well, some of it)
In January, my boyfriend™ and I went on a road trip along the north coast of New South Wales. We saw dolphins at Yamba, watched the sun rise over Byron Bay and checked out some waterfalls at Dorrigo National Park. It was a really great road trip, and I do like going on adventures with this weirdo.


Byron Bay Lighthouse, just as the sun was rising.

Map of Tasmania
If you’re a cool person, you definitely saw my photos on Instagram of my trip to Tasmania. My pro-tip, if you’re thinking of visiting Tassie, skip Hobart.
That’s right. Skip the capital city, there is genuinely nothing seriously interesting to see in Hobart, other than the museums.
I never wrote a more comprehensive post about my trip to Tasmania (could’ve, should’ve, didn’t), but I can tell you that the smaller towns are more interesting and better to visit. Port Arthur, Launceston, and Richmond are just a few of the best places in Tassie to check out.

Thought my cat was going to die
I don’t have a ‘fur baby,’ I have a ‘fur senior citizen.’ Even though he’s really cute and the best damn thing in the universe, I’ve still been very paranoid about the idea of him passing away.
So it was worrying when he started exhibiting some sketchy symptoms. I took Tutc to the vet yesterday, where he was diagnosed with constipation.
That’s right.
Having been so scared that he might have cancer or kidney failure, I was so relieved with his diagnosis that I burst out laughing.

8 Word Story
I’m a writer (sometimes). And it’s always exciting when I write something and people (other than my mum*) read it. So when I submitted some stories to the Queensland Writer’s Centre for their 8 Word Story competition, I was really stoked when one of them was displayed on billboards throughout Brisbane for the general public to read.

Saw some great shows
I’ve nourished my need for culture and sophistication by going to see the following shows and concerts:

  • Single Asian Female and Lady Beatle (La Boite Theatre Company)
  • Matilda, Russell Howard, and Kate Miller-Heidke (QPAC)
  • Amanda Palmer (Melt Festival @ Brisbane Powerhouse)

In June, I’ll finally finish my Arts degree and graduate! No other plans have been made for 2018 thus far, but I’m hoping that it’ll be another exciting year that’s full of hectic shenanigans. Ideally, it’ll also be the year that I actually finish working on my debut novel, but we’ll see what my naturally lazy mindset has to say about that.

If you’ve got any interesting New Years resolutions, or if you’re doing anything exciting for New Year’s Eve, leave a cheeky comment.

Much love,
Pear and Ivy xx

* This is a blatant lie as my mum probably only reads 28% of the things that I actually write.

On Not Graduating (Yet)

In my first year of uni, I failed a subject and it’s reshuffled the natural order of uni-related things. So I won’t be graduating from this Arts degree until 2018, and the sad part is that I won’t be graduating alongside most of my friends and colleagues. When they graduate, I won’t be up there with them, wearing the weird hat and holding the expensive piece of paper. I’ve been aware of this for a while, but the reality has only just kicked me in the guts.


I know that life’s not a race, but it’s hard to not feel that way. I imagine that I’m at the starting line, the gun’s fired, everyone else is already miles ahead… and I’m still getting my joggers on. And it’s hard not to feel the need to be competitive, especially when it looks like everyone else you know seems to be winning the Life Race:
“Sandra is onto her third Nobel Prize.”
“Your cousin Bethany-Rae is only 3 and she’s found the cure for pancreatic cancer.”
“I’m engaged to my personal trainer and we’ve taught 35 blind kids how to read.” For a while, my coping mechanism has to been to find the bad thing in Sandra’s life in order to boost my own ego. Sure, Sandra might have three Nobel Prizes, but she’s jealous of her friend Ethel, who has five Nobel Prizes.

While it feels like balance has been restored to the universe because Sandra secretly feels inadequate, it’s not the healthiest way to live my life. I’m sure there are people out there who can boast about how being competitive has worked for them, but it’s proven for me to be really unhealthy. It’s a toxic way to live life if the only reason you try to improve yourself is to be better than your friends: Gavin and Sharon have such a great relationship, so I need my relationship with Barry to be better than theirs. I need to be a better dentist than Karen. I don’t even like being a dentist, but I’ve gotta destroy her at something. 

You can’t get ahead in life if your plan is to run at someone else’s pace or to be The Next (Insert Name Here). There’s no true satisfaction in being The Next Beyonce or The Next Cate Blanchett, and you can only set yourself up for inadequacy. By being ‘The Next Cate Blanchett,’ you’ve removed any potential for you to be better than Cate Blanchett.
I can’t be The Next Harper Lee, but I can be The First Vivienne Coburn. And the great thing about being The First at something is that no one else (except the toddlers on YouTube who can play Beethoven on every instrument) is ever going to be better than you at what you do. It sounds super lame and utterly corny, but it’s the truth. Hopefully, I’ll remember it when I finish things next year, and when I finally get to wear the stupid hat at the end of 2018.

If you think I should write fewer self-righteous rant posts and stick to food reviews, or if you think I should move to Wagga Wagga to start an apple farm, let me know by leaving a cheeky comment.

Much love,
Pear and Ivy x


My Acne Struggle (Story and Tips)

Unless you see people try everything they can to get rid of their acne, or if you have to fight it yourself, you have no idea just how much of a struggle it really is. Everyone has their stories, and today I’ll be sharing mine.

When I was 13, I still had no boobs, my pimples were sporadic, and my skin was mostly free from imperfections. On the rare occasion that I did get a pimple (heaven forbid), it ruined my entire day. Yep. One insignificant blemish.


That’s me on the right. This was taken just before I moved schools and acquired acne.

When I was 14, I moved to a new school. Just before my 15th birthday, I began getting whiteheads all over my forehead and chin. They were huge, ugly and red. At that stage in my life, the only form of makeup that I cared about was eyeliner, so I didn’t think to try and conceal the pimples in any way. Many people I knew suggested that I use Cetaphil to cleanse my skin. For over 3 years, Cetaphil was my life. Even though I used Cetaphil religiously, it never really did anything to improve my skin.


This is one of my most embarrassing photos, but this was taken at a time where my acne was at its peak. I was 14 or 15, my eyeliner fetish was extreme, and I picked at my forehead pimples a lot (which has lead to some scarring).


This was taken a few months before I turned 16. Forehead pimples had reduced a lot, and my eyebrows were overplucked.

By the time I was 16, I was sick of boys not looking at me the way I wanted them to. I was tired of being called a ‘pizza face.’ I was especially tired of everyone thinking that I was ugly. I began to wear makeup to school every day. I’d always run dangerously late for the school bus because I spent so much time in the morning putting on BB cream, mascara, and concealer. If you look at photos from that time (even with makeup) my acne is still visible. This is mostly because I had no goddamn idea of how to put makeup on properly, so all my efforts proved to be a huge waste of time and money.


Taken a few months before my high school graduation. I was 17, and my eyebrows and makeup game remained weak and feeble. Forehead acne is gone, but pimples on chin have stubbornly refused to shift.

After graduation, I realised that all the people I had tried to impress were just a bunch of assholes. The boys I’d tried (in vain) to entice didn’t care about my efforts. But the lesson took a while for me to understand. Even when I first started dating my boyfriend, I still found it hard to not put any makeup on. But after a few weeks, I stopped wearing it except on special dates. It’s very important that you let people know just how much of a hot mess you really are. When I went to university, I stopped caring about putting on makeup every day. It was not only time-consuming, but the other students in my course just didn’t really give a shit about the way I looked.

You’d think that having acne for over 5 years would have been something I’ve gotten used to. But that’s not the case. Even today, at the ripe old age of 19, I still have issues with acne and my self-esteem. I’m still going through the ups and downs of hormonal acne. While I do acknowledge that my skin hasn’t been this good for years, I sometimes can’t stop the feeling of being ugly. It’s something I can’t always control. I can’t stop feeling like the ugly friend when I’m out with my girl friends. I don’t always recoil at my reflection, but it happens more often than not. Sometimes I even struggle to feel sexy or beautiful in front of my own goddamn boyfriend.

Acne can be an experience that leaves you feeling isolated. No one ever sat me down and told me how to cleanse my skin or figure out what my skin type was (oily? dry? combination? sensitive?). I’ve had to do a lot of independent research and figure things out through trial and error. Even if you get personal advice about your acne, it’s still good to do your research. It’s also important to remember that whatever works for someone else may not necessarily work for you.

Stuff That Will Almost Certainly Work For You

Not Picking or Popping. Nope. No Touchie.
Admit it, you like watching pimples burst. It’s an oddly satisfying thing. But you need to stop squeezing your pimples. This can be a very tricky habit to give up. Even if it’s not a habit, you will feel very tempted to squeeze the bright green Mt Everest on your nose. Squeezing your pimples can lead to skin infections, larger breakouts, and scars.
I used to squeeze my pimples, and now I have large pockmarks on my forehead. So learn from my mistakes, and don’t pop your blemishes!
For more information on pimple squeezing, click here.

A Top Notch Routine
It’s a universal consensus that a simple skincare routine (cleanse, moisturise, apply sunscreen) is all you really need to maintain good skin. All you really need to do is use a gentle cleanser in the morning and at night, moisturise religiously, and always wear sunscreen when going out for the day. Stuff like toners, treatments, exfoliants, masks and serums are all optional and totally up to you. Just ensure that they will work for your skin.
TIP: When trying new skincare products, it’s best if you use them for approximately 30 days, just so that the skin can fully reflect any changes that happen. But if you get a rash or a burning sensation, stop immediately. You could seriously damage your skin if you use products that hurt it.

Keep It Clean
I don’t just mean keeping your face cleansed (although that certainly works), but also cleaning everything else in your life that goes near your face and body. This means changing your pillowcases every few days, washing your bed sheets every week, not wearing the same bra for over 3 days… The main cause of acne on your back and shoulders is dirty clothes and sheets. Keep it clean!
And under no circumstances, do not touch your face with your hands! Hands are super dirty. Even resting your head on your hands can transfer dirt and bacteria onto your skin, which can exacerbate any acne you currently have or lead to dirt and other nasty things clogging your pores.

But Not Too Clean
Products with alcohol in them can be very drying to the skin, and are best avoided. Certain cleansers marketed for people with oily/acne prone skin can be very drying to the skin. Ever used a cleanser and felt so oil free that your skin was tight? That’s a sign that your cleanser is too harsh on your skin, and that you are stripping it of oils. Stripping away every bit of oil will dehydrate your skin, and the body will produce even more oil. It’s all about trying to create a healthy balance of oil. Also, aggressively exfoliating your skin is not a good idea. You will irritate the bejesus out of it.

Drink More Water
While it won’t instantly cure you of your acne, drinking a lot of water will certainly hydrate your body. When your skin is dehydrated, the body overcompensates with oil production. The oil clogs your pores, and hey presto! Outbreak!  Even if you don’t break out or turn into a sultana, not drinking enough water makes your skin look dull. Hydrated skin is happy skin.

Inhale. Exhale
Something that can really mess up your skin is stress. It’s inevitable sometimes, but taking some time to chill out and unwind can save your skin. Whether you need to meditate, turn off technology, or read a good book, do something to calm down. It can be as simple as taking a nap, playing your favourite video game, or doing some yoga. Find out what works for you.

Don’t Try The Toothpaste Trick
It doesn’t work. No matter how many times a beauty article suggests it, do not use toothpaste as a spot treatment. It won’t only dry out your pimple, but also that whole patch of skin. And that’s if you’re lucky and don’t end up getting a reaction. Use a proper spot treatment. I personally use the LUSH Greased Lightning Spot Treatment, but there are many other spot treatments on the market.
But if you’ve run out of spot treatment, and you want to reduce the size of a pimple, there’s a pretty cool technique you can try at home. Try putting the sticky end of a Band-Aid over the spot. Leave it on for 30 minutes (or longer, if needed), and remove it. The pimple will still be there, but it will have reduced in size.

But It Worked For Them!
Sometimes you might hear from a friend or a celebrity that a certain product is the Holy Grail of skincare. And you get excited, because if Random Magic Goo worked for your best friend, it will surely work for you too. Right?
We all have different skin types. We all react differently to certain products. Your friend might have normal skin and is using a product best suited to people of that skin type. You might have oily skin, and your Random Magic Serum might be too harsh for your friend. Figure out your skin type and look for products that will work for your skin type.

Less Is More
It can be tempting to buy expensive products just because they look like they work better. But it’s not always the case. Sometimes it’s the simplest homemade remedies or the drugstore/pharmacy products that work best, or are just as effective.

To Block, Or Not To Block?
Skincare products are either comedogenic or non-comedogenic. Comedogenic products block your pores and won’t help your skin drama (boo!). Non-comedogenic products, however, are far less likely to block up your pores. So if a moisturiser has ‘non-comedogenic’ on the label, you can bet your bottom dollar it could be The One For You.
TIP: A non-comedogenic product that sometimes is used as a moisturiser is coconut oil. Regardless of whether you use it as a makeup remover or as a lip treatment, you should avoid leaving it on your skin for prolonged periods of time.

Learn Your Triggers
Many studies have proven that acne is not caused because you ate a whole block of chocolate. Acne is a result of hormones and/or clogged pores, but it can be exacerbated by stress and/or certain types of food (e.g. dairy, sugar, processed food). Even certain detergents and toothpaste can irritate the skin. So it’s good to figure out if you might actually be allergic to anything.
If you can’t get a blood test for whatever reason, try avoiding certain foods for a week and see if anything changes. Once you learn what you should avoid, it then becomes a matter of limiting your exposure to that trigger.

If All Else Fails, See a Doctor
Acne is a skin condition. It is not going to be treated through any holistic bullshit. So don’t listen to Serena from Pilates when she says that your chakras aren’t balanced. Go to a qualified GP or dermatologist because they actually know how skin works. If you have cystic acne, it is strongly advised that you visit a GP/dermatologist.

Helpful Websites and Videos

Some of the videos that have helped me treat my acne are from Melanie Murphy. Melanie is an Irish YouTuber who has made heaps of informative videos about how to deal with acne. Check out her channel, it’s one of the best things on YouTube.
Another great YouTuber, who specialises in makeup tutorials for acne prone skin, is Em Ford. She’s better known as My Pale Skin, and even if you aren’t pale, her videos are still worth watching. One of her best videos is a short clip called ‘You Look Disgusting‘ and I believe that everyone should watch it.
Yet ANOTHER YouTuber who I found very informative was Lisa Eldridge. You may know her for her makeup tutorials, or her work as a professional makeup artist, but her skincare videos are also something pretty special.

Don’t know what your skin type is? You can always ask your GP, but there’s also heaps of online tests you can take. I used this one from the Nivea website, but any test will do.

Not sure how to begin a good skin care routine? Isabelle Bellis, a French skincare expert, has made two videos about how to properly cleanse your face. They can be located here and also here.

The American Academy of Dermatology has got this handy little page full of information. I only found this the other day, and I wish I had read this years ago. But if you like visuals and pictures, you might find this page from the Neutrogena website to be your cup of tea.

When I first got major breakouts on my face (forehead, cheeks, chin), I heard about face mapping. Heaps of beauty websites have their own diagram, but I found that this face map from The Beauty Gypsy was the most helpful and informative. Give it a read, and you might learn things about your body.

Stuff That Works For Me (And Stuff I Use) 

Go-To Skincare Properly Clean 
Zoe Foster-Blake is the best friend we all wish we had. She’s funny, gorgeous and is a skincare/makeup guru. So you can understand that her own skincare line, Go-To Skincare, would have to be pretty damn splendid. The cleanser is a foamy mousse, which usually indicates that it’ll dry out your skin. But it gently removes everything nasty and smells like magic. At $31, it’s something worth splashing out on.

Go-To Skincare Face Hero
Another one of Foster-Blake’s marvellous creations, this little guy has changed my life. It’s a facial oil that works to hydrate, brighten and rescue your face from wrinkles, fine lines, and inflammation. I use this every night, and it’s given my skin a newfound glow.

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Foaming Gel
While I have converted to using the wonderful Properly Clean cleanser, this cleanser is a handy little backup. And like Properly Clean, this does get foamy, but won’t dry out your skin. Very few cleansers have managed to not only clean my skin but also fight current spots. If you’ve got a small budget, La Roche-Posay products are a great investment that won’t leave you penniless.

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo+ Moisturiser
I love using this moisturiser because it’s gentle on my skin, super light, and treats my pimples. You don’t have to get a moisturiser that treats acne, but it certainly helps.

Clay Based Masks
Masks that contain kaolin or bentonite clay are best suited for people with oily/acne prone skin. The clay works to suck out dirt and excess sebum from your pores, leaving you nice and clean. I usually use a mask every 2-3 days, or every day if Aunt Flo is in town. Much like cleansers, you usually need to search for a mask that works for you and will be kind to your skin. Try a LUSH mask, or make your own DIY clay mask (featuring a very young Michelle Phan). There are heaps of other mask recipes out there if you’d like to try and make your own.
The masks I’m currently using right now are the Sukin Oil Balancing Anti-Pollution Mask, and the Aēsop Primrose Facial Cleansing Masque. The Sukin mask is full of charcoal and other natural things that work to suck out your impurities, whereas the Aēsop mask is full of clay and even more natural things that also suck out crappy stuff.

Health is Wealth
Eating healthier food, taking a daily multivitamin, and (trying to) exercise have always made my skin look better. Sometimes I even try to drink my daily recommended water intake. It’s hard to stay on the bandwagon sometimes, but your consistency and dedication will be rewarded. Trust me.

Got (Soy) Milk?
My main acne trigger is dairy. If I stop eating excessive amounts of cheese, yoghurt, and chocolate, my skin noticeably becomes better. I’ve also made the switch to soy milk. I don’t put milk or sugar in my tea. I make dairy products a treat. And I have finally converted my taste buds to love dark chocolate.

Some of the Many Products That Didn’t Work For Me

Tea Tree Oil/Tea tree oil based products
Loads of people have proclaimed tea tree oil as their Skin Lord and Saviour, due to its antibacterial properties. Dabbing diluted tea tree oil on a blemish is meant to disinfect it. I used many tea tree products from The Body Shop, including the Skin Clearing Foaming Cleanser. I used the tea tree products for a year and found no significant reduction in my blemishes. Tea tree oil can also burn or be quite dehydrating to the skin, so be careful if you decide to follow this path. If you’re using tea tree oil directly on the skin, be sure to dilute it.

When I was about 16, my mum took me to a dermatologist. He advised me to squeeze the pimples (don’t do that) and he also gave me a prescription for doxycycline. Doxycycline is an antibiotic, and I was told to take a pill 2 or 3 times a day. I took it for over a year and saw no significant change in my skin or breakouts, so I stopped taking doxycycline when I was 17. As doxycycline is an antibiotic with certain side effects, you do need to get a prescription for doxycycline. If you are interested in medication for your acne, definitely consult your GP or a good dermatologist (not my Dr. Quack) to find out what options are suitable for you.

Cetaphil Anything
Pretty much everyone has used Cetaphil at least once in their pubescent years.
I used the Oil Free Skin Cleanser and the Moisturising Lotion consistently, right up until I started to spend a bit more on my skincare products. Although it’s a very affordable and effective cleanser, it never fully satisfied me. With acne, you will usually try a million new products and creams, in pursuit of ‘the cure.’ You won’t find a miracle cure for your acne. You can only give it time and treatment.

Rosehip oil
Rosehip oil is usually appraised for its treatment of acne scars, due to it being full of vitamins and fatty acids. When I tried using rosehip oil to treat my scars, my skin became inflamed and sore.
While rosehip oil didn’t work for me, it might work for you. Heaps of people think it’s the best thing since sliced bread. Everything is worth a try at least once, but if your skin reacts negatively, stop using whatever it is that you’re trying.

I hope this post was informative. It was a tricky thing to research, it was tough looking at some old photos, and it was even harder admitting stuff I don’t usually tell anyone. Hopefully, my next post won’t be quite as depressing. If you have any acne stories/skincare product reviews/advice, do let me know. I’d love to hear from y’all.

Much love,
Pear and Ivy xx


June 2016 Favourites

Another month is almost upon us, the middle of winter rears its freezing head, it’s the end of the financial year, and we’re now more than halfway through the Gregorian year!
June has come and gone, and throughout the past few days, I’ve been acquainting myself with things like soups, teas, and  comfort food. The countless bowls of two-minute noodles and toasted sandwiches have made their way to my stomach and thighs, but winter is pretty much all about gaining blubber to keep you warm, so I’m not too fussed. I now present to you, the list of various things in June that tickled my fancy. Enjoy.


I didn’t really drink anything particularly fascinating, other than a FABULOUS wine when I was finishing an essay and needed some extra motivation (a 2015 White Label sparkling Pinot Grigio, in case you were interested in my go-to wine/wanted to buy me a bottle). But I guess the drink that I’ve been drinking the most was tea.It’s more relaxing than coffee, it’s relatively cheaper, and I like the variety you can get. Peppermint, green, herbal… all tea is good! Except liquorice tea. Liquorice tea tastes foul.

Dark chocolate. I have always loved using dark chocolate as a baking ingredient, but lately, I’ve been devouring it by the bar. Especially the Lindt chocolate bars (the best ones include the hazelnut, sea salt and caramel, mint, and raspberry flavours). My local supermarket had a huge sale on Lindt chocolate the other day, and after spending most of my salary on dark chocolate, I now feel like the chunky German boy from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.


Familiar by Agnes Obel. It’s her latest single and I’m praying that she releases a new album soon! I have been madly in love with Agnes Obel for over four years and am still kicking myself for not going to her Brisbane concert in 2014. She’s this awesome Danish singer/songwriter who writes gorgeous melodies that sound like the soundtrack to an Edgar Allen Poe novel. If you want to hear the magic that can happen when piano and cello are intertwined with haunting vocals, check her out. Songs like The Curse, Aventine, Riverside, and Run Cried The Crawling are some of my personal favourites.

Seeing as it’s been too cold to even get out of bed, I’ve been spending a lot of time snuggled up in bed, reading. One of the books I considered having as the June Favourite was Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl. It’s kinda sad that I was reading Gone Girl about a year after it was The Big Thing, but Gone Girl was a really good book and is well worth a read. However, I’d have to say that The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin has been the best book I’ve read in June. Normally you would never catch me reading a self-help/motivation book (other than that time I read Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying), but I was fascinated by everything that Rubin had to say, so I’ve actually resolved to start my own Happiness Project as of tomorrow.

Television/Web Series:
Without question, it is the latest season of Orange is the New Black. I have been bingeing my way through Season 4 and have loved everything about it. Well, everything except Piper. I still think Piper is the most irritating character and I only watch the show for everyone else. Bring on Season 5!!


Technology/Internet Thing:
It’s certainly nothing new, but I’m really loving a lot of the beauty/lifestyle tutorials on YouTube. To me, there’s something oddly satisfying about watching other people that have their sh*t together tell you how you can do the same. Some of my favourites are Melanie Murphy, Rachellea, Estée Lalonde, Samantha Maria, Stephanie Lange and Patricia Bright.

This is tough. I’ve been going through a heap of new beauty/skincare products this month in an attempt to protect my skin from the harshness of winter. My new mask from Lush has been a godsend. The Catastrophic Cosmetic mask is great for my lousy acne-prone/oily/dull skin, while also keeping my face nice and smooth. And it even tastes nice (not that you should eat your face masks). But it does crumble up into little flakes when it dries, leaving your body covered in this blueberry flavoured dandruff.
So while I do love my new pot of face goo, I have been slathering my skin with large amounts of the Wild Argan Oil Body Lotion from the Body Shop. It smells truly scrumptious and my skin is super smooth.

And that’s about it. I can’t say anything more about my favourite things. June was a fairly non-eventful month for me. However, during July I’ll be busy with a few theatre/arts productions that I’m involved in, as well as the terrifying ordeal of turning nineteen, so that will all be something for you all to look forward to. Hopefully, I can get Part II of TGCC done as well.

Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month, stay warm this winter, make good voting choices in the Australian Federal Election tomorrow, and I hope that you all have a wonderful July.

Much love,
Pear and Ivy x


The Pear Necessities #1

Because The Great Coffee Crusade starts next week at QUT Kelvin Grove, I thought, in the meantime, I’d let you all know about the various skincare products that I use on a daily basis: the ‘Pear’ necessities, if you like (I’m not usually this hilarious). Just in case any of you were interested. Some of this stuff I’m really only using until it runs out, or until Priceline has another huge sale. But until then, this is a list of the stuff I use, with some useful links, in case you’ve been inspired.

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Purifying Foaming Gel
This is the only cleanser I’ve ever used that manages to combat my acne without drying my skin (pH 5.5 for the win!). It’s super good at removing sunscreen/makeup/various oils and skin ooze. Would happily buy again and again and again…
Rate: 9.5/10

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo (+) 
Last month, I bought an Anti-Acne Starter Kit from LRP, and this is the moisturiser that came with it. It’s meant to “correct the appearance of imperfections, unclog blocked pores and fight against marks.” While I found that it does help to prevent new pimples from budding, the Effaclar moisturiser doesn’t exactly leave your skin feeling moisturised. It’s a very good pimple cream, so I will keep it in my regular routine. At night, I usually like to double it up with a few drops of the Go-To Face Hero, just so my skin doesn’t mummify overnight.
Sigh. I need a new facial moisturiser that actually feels like it’s working.
Rate: 7/10


New Charity Pot (Lush)
I bought this a month ago, with the intention of moisturising my skin, as well as supporting a good cause. Lush normally never lets me down, but the New Charity Pot was the exception. There was nothing overly bad about it, it just wasn’t the best moisturiser. Would not buy ever again, and I’m trying really hard to use this all up.
Rate: 4.5/10

Aēsop Primrose Facial Cleansing Masque 30mL
I’ve got mixed feelings about this bad boy because I either love wearing it or I don’t. This particular mask does leave the skin feeling clean and free of impurities, but I want to get a mask that can do this as well as moisturise the skin. So once this runs out, I’ll need a new mask. Aēsop products generally tend to cost a sh*t-load of money for just a tiny little jar/bottle, so that’s another incentive to seek a new face mask elsewhere…
Rate: 6.9/10

Thankyou Botanical Geranium & Rosewood Body Wash
With body washes, I tend to just get something that is inexpensive and still smells nice, without drying out my skin. So many body washes are packed with fragrances or harsh ingredients that leave my body with some rather impressive dry patches. This, however, smells absolutely gorgeous, leaves my skin clean, isn’t tested on animals, vegan-friendly (if that’s your cup of tea), supports a good cause, and isn’t too costly. Winner winner, chicken dinner.
Rate: 8.5/10


Go-To Face Hero!
This has been a great little addition to my skincare routine. It’s too precious to use as anything but a booster to moisturisers. Although it’s quite pricey for such a petite bottle, it has been worth its weight in gold. A few drops on my forehead, cheeks and chin are just enough to keep my skin feeling baby bum soft.
Rate: 8/10

Go-To Lips!
As far as lip balms go, they’re usually all the same to me. Lips! is quite nice, but it’s not an overly outstanding lip balm. While it does leave my lips soft and kissable (as my many boyfriends will agree), Lips! does get runny and oozy even if not left out in the heat, so I’m not really keen to get it again.
Rate: 6.5/10

Relax Aromatic Mist (Perfect Potion)
Imagine an anaesthetic that was pleasant to sniff. That’s essentially what the Relax mist is. I spray it on my pillow before I go to bed, and within seconds, I’m out like a light. This is basically chloroform that smells like geraniums, neroli, and lavenders. It’s also good to spray on my body after I’ve had a particularly stressful day. Namaste.
Rate: 9/10


L’Occitane En Provence Néroli & Orchidée Lait Parfume
For the non-Francophiles, this is just a fancy body milk that smells like orchids and neroli. I use it as a body moisturiser before I go out anywhere fancy or special (theatre performance, job interview, dates with my many offside lovers…) because this smells fantastic. It’s a perfumed lotion that actually doesn’t cause any skin
Rate: 9/10 

Ella Baché Huile Aux Fleurs Floral Oil
I was visiting my grandmother a year or two ago, and I had left my cleanser at home. Fretting that my acne would envelop my whole body within a day, my grandmother handed me a bottle of the Ella Baché floral oil and suggested I use that. After my visit, she didn’t get her bottle back, because I loved it.Sorry, Grandmere. As a morning cleanser, it’s a bit thick and, well, oily. But for the evening, it’s great for removing makeup and cleansing the skin. And if you can’t be bothered putting on moisturiser at night, this works just as well.
Rate: 7.5/10

Batiste Dry Shampoo
All dry shampoos are a godsend and a lifesaver, but I usually get this one because it’s usually on sale. If you haven’t climbed aboard the dry shampoo phenomenon, get onto it! It will change your life!
Rate: 9/10


That’s about everything exceptional that goes on my skin on a day-to-day basis (excluding generous amounts of sunscreen). If you have any suggestions for a new face mask or body/facial moisturiser, for the love of God, please let me know! And on a side note, tomorrow night, I’m off to see a shake&stir production of Wuthering Heights at QPAC. Catch me if you can!

Much love,
Pear and Ivy x

PS: If you haven’t followed me on Instagram, you’re missing out. Follow me to see the food and coffee I make at work and gazillions of photos of my cat.


A Few Things That I Hate

We’re all human. It’s only natural to hate things. We’re good at hating each other. Some of us could be better at hating Donald Trump and Kylie Jenner, but while we’re alive, there’s always room for improvement.
To get to know me a little bit better, I’ve composed a list of a few things that I hate. Personally, I hate a lot of things, but this list would never end if I wrote about everything I didn’t like. So this is a list of the best worst things that I despise.

I) Hiccups
Whenever I get the hiccups, they last the whole goddamn day. From dawn ’til dusk, my diaphragm will be in a state of soreness from all the twitches and spasms. I’ll hold my breath. I’ll drink lots of water. Someone usually tries to scare the hiccups out of me. Nothing works though. Not for long. 10 minutes later, there will be a really loud “HIC!” and the vicious cycle begins again, for a whole goddamn day.


II) People who put used matches back in the box
It makes sense to discard what’s not useful, and hold on to what can still be used. So why do people insist on putting used matches back in the matchbox. Why? Just… why would you do this? It’s super annoying going to light a candle and the matchbox is full of burnt-out matches. It’s super irritating.


III) People who walk really slowly in front of you
Religion, race and other things may divide us, or make us unique, but one thing that unites us all is that everyone hates slow walkers. It is the only thing that the universe can all agree on… except for that percentage of the population that doesn’t quite know that legs are used for walking. Or the elderly, because time is pulling them further and further down into the ground…




IV) Empty things that have been put back, but should have been replaced
This is very similar to the point about putting used matches back in the box. But I thought I’d add it anyway. Most of the time when I go to the fridge, the milk carton is empty, but has somehow crept back into the fridge. This drives me mental, especially when I have a craving for cereal. And I haven’t experienced this for a while, but all too often, I used to get in the shower and find that someone would have used the last of the conditioner. This stopped when I bought my own conditioner and shampoo, but milk and other bottled edible liquids are basic domestic necessities. Please don’t be that guy who puts the empty bottle back.


V) Rude customers
I have a little proverb that I like to say after a particularly hard day at work: ‘Baristas are like magpies, because we don’t forget faces.’ And it’s gospel truth. We happily remember the friendly faces and their favourite coffee. We remember the people who order the same coffee over and over again (there are more things in heaven and earth than just a small skinny flat white). But we always remember the asshole who comes in and never says hi/never says thank you/gives unreasonable complaints/puts their dirty mug in the middle of our work station… This list goes on and on. If I wrote a post about barista problems, 90% of that list would focus on things that customers do.


VI) Finishing a really good book
The other day, I started reading Gone Girl about a year after it was popular. And I finished reading it two days later, having been so absorbed in the story that I nearly cried when it ended. Not because of the ending, but because this amazing story had stopped. I feel like a petty child every time I do this. I want that one! Nothing else! That one! I’ve got a whole shelf of books begging to be read (485 books and counting), but I wanted that one.


VII) Hearing Upsetting/Infuriating News
When I heard about Harambe getting shot because his enclosure wasn’t childproof, I was angry for a whole week. When Alan Rickman died, I was inconsolable. Everytime I hear about new shark culling policies in Western Australia (because it’s absurd that animals should be punished for the actions of humans), I get disgusted. And now that I hear that a rapist is only getting 6 months in prison… well goddamn it, I’m feeling every negative emotion under the sun.


There you go. In case you ever wanted to know some of the things that I hate, here’s a short list. I could have gone on and on about all the things I hate, but there’s more to life than that.

Another thing I hate is having a cold. Right now, I’ve got a category 5 head cold, and this post is all I can manage. I’d write about food, but when all I have eaten today is toast and soup, the post would be very boring. But when I get better, The Great Coffee Crusade will start at QUT Kelvin Grove. Stay tuned and get keen.

Much love,
Pear and Ivy x